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Zuhause > Kategorie > Digital Oscilloscope  > Smart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP Control
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Shenzhen XEAST Technologie Co., Ltd.
14. Stock, B-Block Huayi Bldg, Nr. 9 Pingji Blvd, Lilang Industriepark, Nanwan, 518112, Shenzhen, China.
Tel: +86 755 82566735 Fax: +86 755 83230956
China Führender Laser Level Hersteller
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Smart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S  Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP ControlSmart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S  Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP ControlSmart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S  Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP ControlSmart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S  Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP ControlSmart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S  Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP ControlSmart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S  Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP Control

Smart Tablet Oscilloscope MICSIG Upgraded to STO1004 from STO1104C 100HZ 1G Sa/S Digital 4 Channels 8GB memory APP Control

  • Merkmal
  • UTi165K Wärmebildkamera
  • 1. 2,8 "TFT-Bildschirm
  • 2. Infrarotauflösung: 160 × 120
  • 3. Bildfrequenz: 9Hz
  • 4. Bereich der Temperaturmessung: 30 ℃ ~ 45 ℃
  • 5. Genauigkeit: ± 0,5 ℃ (1 m)
  • 6. Fotografierte Funktion und Speicherung der SD-Karte
  • 7. Analyse der PC-Software
  • 8. Punkttemperaturmessung
  • 9. Echtzeit-Bildübertragung
  • 10. Sichtbares Licht (640 × 480)
  • 11. USB-Schnittstelle Typ C zum Laden von Lithiumbatterien
  • 12. 1/4 "Stativbefestigungsloch

XEAST UTi260K In-Infrarot-Wärmebildkamera für die Temperaturmessung des menschlichen Körpers in der realen PC-Softwareanalyse

body thermometer

Body Thermal Imager

Forehead Thermometer

Body Thermal Imager

thermal imager

Body Thermal Imager

body thermometer

Body Thermal Imager

thermal imager

Body Thermal Imager

body thermometer

Body Thermal Imager

non-contact forehead thermometer

Shenzhen XEAST Technologie Co., Ltd.

Tel:86 755 82566735

Gesprächspartner:Steven Lai


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